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Applying to Mellis Primary School.

Mellis Church of England Primary School - 'To Be Our Best'

Admissions Documentation and Forms

Admissions for Out of Year Policy

The Appeals Process

Mellis CE Primary is an academy school, which means that for Year 1-6 it is the admissions authority. All applications are sent to the Admissions Governors and discussed with the Headteacher.

Where the School is unable to offer a place under policy, it will write to the applying parents to advise of this. This then enables the parents to pursue a formal appeal regarding this decision if they feel that this is something they wish to do. This is arranged through the Local Authority, who will instigate an independent board of appeal to review cases on an individual basis. For more information on this process, please do not hesitate to discuss this with the Headteacher or click on this link to Suffolk Local Authority's information webpage.

Suffolk Local Authority Guidance on the Appeals process.


General Information


Mellis has a 'PAN' (Published Admission Number) limit of 26 pupils per year group and can be oversubscribed. We are always very pleased indeed to show prospective parents and pupils around the school, so please do not hesitate to contact us to arrange an appointment. We feel that (as far as possible) it is best to visit during school hours so that visitors can get a first hand experience of the atmosphere and approach of the school!

As an academy, admissions into the School are handled in two different ways depending on the age of the child.

1)  'Normal Year of Entry' Applications. This covers children looking to start in Reception for the next academic year. For Reception entry September 2024, this covers children born between 1st September 2019 through to August 31st 20202. These applications must be made to the local authority.  Please contact them on 0345 600 0981 or click here to go to Suffolk County Council webpage on school admissions  This has details on how and when to apply using the CAF1 form. Applications must reach the Local Authority by 15th January 2024. Late applications will be ranked according to the oversubscription procedures noted below. Decision letters are issued by 16th April 2023.

You have the right of appeal if your child has been refused a place at any of your preferred school(s).

If you wish to appeal for a school in Suffolk, guidance notes and the appeal forms are available to download from the Education Appeals Office or you can contact 0345 600 0981 for a copy to be posted to you.

You should send your appeal form(s) to the Education Appeals Office by 16 May 2023 for your appeal to be heard by 18 July 2023. The Education Appeals Office will contact you with details of your appeal arrangements.

2) 'In Year' Applications. This covers any child looking to come to the School during an existing academic year. Parents will need to request an 'ADM1' application form. As an academy, the Governor Admissions Panel will review each application as per the School's admission policy (see left) and aim to inform parents of the decision within five school days.

What happens if there are more applications than placed in a given Year Group?

As a School of the Ipswich and St Edmundsbury Diocesan Multi-Academy Trust our oversubscription procedures are the sames as those set by the Local Authority. To view these please look at the end of the School's admissions policy.

Please do not hesitate to contact the School with any queries.

Requests for education out of chronological age group

On rare occasions, parents may request consideration to be given to having their child educated outside of their chronological age. Please refer to the School's Admission Out of Year Group policy in the document list above.

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