Mellis tries hard to seek feedback as to its provision as a school. Please see below brief summaries of recent consultations with different stakeholders. Please also note that the original responses to these consultations are held on file for reference.
Each year, the School offers new parents an evening session on the phonics provision of the School, and how best to support Early Reading. Please see the extremely positive summary of responses, with all returned surveys 'strongly agreeing' that the presentation had improved parent understanding of the approach to phonics and reading taken by the School.
Some comments noted:
In July 2023, the Governors and SMT launched a Parent Survey which ran from July until the return to school in September. The outcomes of this have been collated, and are being used to inform the next set of School Development Plans. The School received back 55 response from 125 sent out, and the outcomes are, we are pleased to say, extremely positive. To find out more, please click here to review the collated responses to the questions asked of parents.
The School recently sought feedback on three different parent consultations and briefings on the following areas:
1) The Year 6 Cake and SATs evening briefing for Yr 6 parents and children
2) The Year 2 SATs evening briefing for Yr 2 parents
3) The Hilltop Residential
Written and verbal commentary on the above has been very positive with parents univerally strongly agreeing that the briefings were of value. Positive comments included references to their child going from very apprehensive about the Yr6 residential trip to being 'full of excitement', and the SATs briedings being 'very informative' and 'very helpful'.
The School has altered its transition arrangements for incoming EYFS pupils following the recent pandemic. New Reception Parents were surveyed in late September to help the School assess parental and child perceptions of these arrangements. This is being done in anticipation of establishing arrangements for the next intake.
At the end of September, EYFS colleagues ran the annual phonics presentation to parents, detailing the School's approach to this vital subject. The evening received a very positive response; the evaluation can be seen by clicking here. Moving forward the School will consider the timing of the session, and using the Home School book effectively with regard to phonics work.
At the end of the Summer and start of Autumn the School conducted it's annual survey from the parent body. Some 46 response were received, and we are pleased to say that theyenerally paint a very positive picture, Please find these below.
Question # |
Question |
Strongly Agree |
Agree |
Disagree |
Strongly Disagree |
Don’t know |
1 |
My child is happy and safe at school. |
31/46 |
14/46 |
1/46 |
2 |
My child makes good progress at this school. |
26/46 |
19/46 |
1/46 |
3 |
The school is well led and managed. |
27/46 |
18/46 |
1/46 |
4 |
My child is well looked after at school. |
27/46 |
19/46 |
5 |
My child is well taught at school. |
31/46 |
15/46 |
7 |
The school works hard to promote good behaviour and positive attitudes. |
34/46 |
12/46 |
8 |
The school offers the children a broad, balanced and interesting curriculum and opportunities. |
33/46 |
12/46 |
1/46 |
9 |
The school is a welcoming and pleasant place to visit. |
37/46 |
8/46 |
1/46 |
10 |
The school promotes a positive moral ethos for its children. |
38/46 |
7/46 |
1/46 |
11 |
The school offers a good selection of sports & sporting opportunities for its children. |
26/46 |
20/46 |
12 |
The school responds well to any concerns I raise. |
21/46 |
18/46 |
4/46 |
3/46 |
13 |
I receive useful information from the school about my child’s progress. |
20/46 |
23/46 |
1/46 |
2/46 |
14 |
There are a good range of clubs for my child to enjoy. |
23/46 |
18/46 |
1/46 |
4/46 |
15 |
The school seeks feedback from parents. |
22/46 |
17/46 |
2/46 |
5/46 |
16 |
The school has a good reputation in the local community. |
35/46 |
9/46 |
2/46 |
We also received some very positive comments, for example:
'This school is a fantastic school providing high academic standards as well as promoting high expectations of behaviour. The school is very well run, and all the staff go out of their way to make sure the children are happy and safe.'
'We think you are all doing a great job!'
'We are very impressed with the school's positive ethos and attitude.'
'i thought the transition from pre-school to reception was really good.'
'My child loves the atmosphere and learns well. It is very friendly and all staff including office and teaching staff are polite and professional.'
'Any concerns have always been listened to and dealt with - the School has a warm and welcoming vibe and it feels like a very safe place to leave our child each day.'
'The school knows my child very well and offers great education across the board.'
Equally, there were some helpful observations to help the School improve. As a consequence, the following areas will be reviewed within the School and where appropriate have or will feature in the School's termly development plans.
Every year the School aims to support parents with the Year 1 Phonics Check. Participants in this year's evening presentation gave an extremely positive response, and as a result we will continue with this format next year. To see a short report on this presentation, please click here.
Every year, the School seeks commentary on the format and information given at the annual Parent's Evenings for Years 1-6. Evaluations this year show a very high degree of positive response on the time and information given for each child. Please click here for an evaluation of each class' parents' evenings.
Mellis Church of England Primary School - 'To Be Our Best' | Hosted by New Era Technology | DB Primary | DB Learning Library