Information and Computer Technology
Curriculum Map and Development Plan
'Humans are still the most extraordinary computers of all.'
John F. Kennedy
Computing Statement
Our computing curriculum is designed to equip children with the digital-literacy skills necessary to enable them to communicate, create and flourish in a rapidly changing digital world.
As a priority, children will be taught to use the internet safely and responsibly. This will be continually addressed throughout each key stage and adapted appropriately as children’s internet use changes and as new risks arise.
- Key vocabulary will be taught, revisited and extended as children progress through the year groups.
- Children will have opportunities to explore the world-wide web in order to learn what it can offer as well as how to use it efficiently. Cross-curricular links will be made where possible to provide meaningful contexts to the internet use.
- Children will use problem solving and logic skills when undertaking tasks on software and digital devices. They will be set goals to design, write and debug algorithms and programmes.
Children will leave Mellis Primary School digitally literate. They will be able to use technological efficiently and safely to learn, create and communicate as an active participant in a digital world.