From the 2022-23 academic year, the Government requires all schools to publish a formal Pupil Premium Strategy Statement. Please click on the document below to read Mellis' Strategy Statement. The next review and updated statment will be in mid Autumn Term 2024.
Pupil Premium Allocation to the School
(Date of next review of Pupil Premium Strategy - Autumn 2025)
Financial Year (April to April) |
Amount |
2024-2025 | £23,530 |
2023-2024 | £25,675 |
2022-2023 | £22,160 |
2021-2022 |
£20,140 |
2020-2021 |
£18,795 |
2019-2020 |
£11,880 |
2018-2019 |
£26,700 |
2017-2018 |
£10,560 |
2016-2017 |
£23,300 |
The Perceived Barriers to Educational Achievement by Eligible Pupils at Mellis CE Primary School
Pupil Premium monies are used to enable the children concerned to reach their full potential. The main barriers to educational achievement faced by eligible pupils within the School are perceived to be:
1) Access to a range of activities and opportunities promoting a wider 'cultural capital' so that the difference is diminshed between them and their non-disadvantaged peers in terms of life experience
2) Access to educational school trips and residential camps, clubs (where these require a subscription), music lessons, uniform etc
3) Gaps in support that parents may be able to give in terms of academic assistance etc.
4) Individual learning challenges requiring additional support
Beyond these general statements, and given the low numbers of Pupil Premium children within the School, an individual approach is taken with regard to the specific needs and circumstances of that pupil.
Due to the small numbers of Pupil Premium children in the School, we do not publish further detail on the website to protect the privacy of those concerned.
The School is also aware that national research indicates that the effects of the C19 pandemic has also had an impact on PP children in terms of their direct experience of the recent lockdown, in terms of parental support, ability to access online learning and further economic impacts
How the School Spends Pupil Premium to Diminish these Barriers
Bearing mind the above barriers, the School intends to spend its Pupil Premium allocation in the following ways.
This is designed to diminish possible social disadvantages faced by Pupil Premum Children, as well as attend to any potential academic disparity.
The school has a clear programme of monitoring children’s progress against various pertinent factors. It is essential that we evaluate the success of each of our various forms of intervention to ensure we are achieving our objectives and in an efficient way. This is completed at class and whole school level, including governors.
Children have their achievement monitored as per the schedule below.
Tracking and Monitoring of Pupil Premium
a. Whole School Tracker employed for Teacher Assessment and Progress including EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage)
b. Mid-Year Assessments – February. Reported to Parents
c SATs Reviews. Annual July – August.
d. Regular Dialogue between Head Teacher and Class Teacher on all the Children in the Class linked to Head Teacher, Key Stage and Subject Co-ordinator Lesson Observations.
e. SEND support meetings with parents where appropriate
f. Attendance and punctuality data
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