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Term Dates 2024-2025

Autumn Term

Monday 2nd September 2023 to Friday 20th December 2024. Children start date Wednesday 4th September

Half-term: Week commencing Monday 28th October 2024 NOTE: Diocesan Multi-Academy Trust designated Professional training Day Friday 25th October - children not in school

Spring Term

Monday 6th January 2025 to Thursday 3rd April 2025. Children start date Tuesday 7th January

Half-term: week commencing Monday 17th February 2024

Summer Term

Tuesday 22nd April 2025 to Tuesday 22nd July  2025. Children start Tuesday 22nd April

Half-term: week commencing Monday 27th May 2025


Term Dates 2025-2026  +++Please Note: 5th DMAT Professional Development Day to be confirmed - t.b.c.+++

Autumn Term

Monday 1st September 2023 to Friday 19th December 2025. Children start date Wednesday 3rd September

Half-term: Week commencing Monday 27th October 2025 

Spring Term

Monday 5th January 2026 to Friday 27th March 2026. Children start Wednesday 7th January

Half-term: week commencing Monday 16th February 2026

Summer Term

Monday 13th April 2026 to Monday 20th July 2026. Children start date Tuesday 14th April

Half-term:week commencing Monday 25th May 2026




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