Safeguarding and 'Prevent'
Mellis School Policies
September 2024 - policies updated and being currently uploaded.
Naturally, the care of the children in our charge is the highest priority of all.
The Designated Lead Professional for any safeguarding issues is: Claire Mortlock. If she is not available then the Alternate Designated Lead Professional is Paul Ryle (Headteacher) and Kelly Floyd - currently under training. ( These persons can be contacted with any Safeguarding concerns).
The Name of the Safeguarding Governor is Mr Chris Aldous.The name of the senior member of staff who is qualified to deliver Group 1 and Group 2 Safeguarding courses is Mrs Claire Mortlock.The designated teacher for Looked After Children is Mrs Jessica Shaw
All work closely together in all issues of Safeguarding and report to the Governing Body when appropriate.
Please click on the links below to be taken directly to the relevant government guidance.
Keeping Children Safe KCSIE 2023
Working together to safeguard children 2023
'Prevent' (Anti Radicalisation)
There has been considerable recent media coverage with regard to the exposure of children and young people to various forms of extremism is very much a hot topic.
In many respects, radicalisation in whatever form is essentially an aspect of safeguarding. It concerns children who may be vulnerable through abuse, isolation, autism or any number of similar triggers.
As with more general Safeguarding, there is sometimes the perception that ‘it couldn’t happen here’, but evidence from Suffolk shows that it is. Identifying and assisting children who may be suffering from social isolation, domestic break-ups etc early on may prevent – in the long-term – issues that could lead to them joining radical or extremist groups later on in their teens and early twenties.
There is also the aspect of simple respect and tolerance. Extreme views concerning race, or sexual orientation etc which do not in and of themselves necessarily lead directly toward expressions of violence are still unacceptable in a civilised society, and need to be challenged whenever it occurs.
Pupils take part in activities based around raising awareness of British values, the importance of being internet aware, sharing with adults their worries about a friend and being an inclusive school.
In either instance, please follow the normal Safeguarding pathway of contacting either the Designated Lead Professional for Safeguarding (Mrs Claire Mortlock) or the Alternate (Paul Ryle).
Mellis School's Prevent policy can accessed on the document list above.
Staff and Governor training is being carried out using the police online training module, which can be accessed here.
The Government's own advice to schools can be accessed here.