Our most recent OFSTED reports - evidencing consistent success for over thirty years.
Our most recent (Ungraded) Inspection took place November 2024. This inspection assessed that the School had taken effective action to maintain the standards identified at the previous inspection. Please see this below for reference.
Please click on here to read the full report letter.
'The School welcomes pupils into a friendly and inclusive environment.'
'The School goes above and beyond to help pupils overcome their anxieties to enable them to take part.'
'The School is rightly proud of how well it prepares pupils for life beyond its doors.'
'Consistent routines enable staff to focus on teaching and pupils to focus on learning.'
'Governors fulfill their roles to help the School to provide pupils with high quality education and wider development opportunities.'
'Staff are experts in in teaching pupils to read.'
'Pupiils demonstrate respect and focus during lessons.'
Our Graded Inspection January 2019.
This was our first inspection since academising with the St Edmundsbury and Ipswich Diocesan Multi-Academy Trust in July 2017.
We include links to our most recent inspection (January 2019) below.
During this inspection, the School was graded 'Good' across all categories.
Please click here to read the full report.
'Pupils’ welfare is at the centre of leaders’ work. Pupils – particularly the most vulnerable – are given the help they need to access their learning and make good progress from their starting points in a safe and supportive environment.'
'The school’s nurturing ethos – combined with the varied and rich curriculum – contributes well to pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.'
'Parents and carers spoken with are very positive about the leadership of the school and all that the school provides for their children.'
'Leaders provide a rich curriculum where pupils excel in a wide range of sporting activities and specialist subjects, such as music and modern foreign languages.'
Our most recent Church 'SIAMs' report.
As a Church School, we are subject to a Church inspection every five years. At the last inspecton in March 2019, we were awarded 'Good' in all areas.
Please click here to see the full report.
'A dedicated and inspirational leadership team clearly articulate the vision, which is understood by all and lived out in daily interactions and activities.'
The innovative curriculum not only challenges and inspires every pupil to be the best they can be but also provides opportunities for them to be enablers of each other’s learning.'
'Wellbeing for all has a high priority, based on treating each other well. The programme for promoting emotional resilience and good mental health is a model of good practice.'
Mellis Church of England Primary School - 'To Be Our Best' | Hosted by New Era Technology | DB Primary | DB Learning Library