What does this look like at Mellis?
British Values Statement
We work hard to ensure that children recognise both their rights and their corresponding responsibilities as part of modern Britain.
At Mellis CE Primary school, we look to embed these values in a variety of ways.
Democracy is embedded at our school. Pupils are listened to by adults and are taught to actively listen to one another, respecting the right of every individual to have their opinions and voices heard. Pupils have the opportunity to share opinions and ideas through the School Council and regular 'pupil voice' questionnaires. Elections of the Head Boy and Girl and the School Council members are based solely on pupil votes after each child has shared their views and vision with the School or class. This is intended to tgive the children regular opportunities to take part in a model of the British electoral system.
The Rule of Law
The School naturally has high expectations of its pupils and staff. At appropriate moments, pupils are guided as to the rationale behind these expectations, and that consequences may follow when these rules are disregarded.
Individual liberty
Children are granted considerable autonomy within the School, with the understanding that with that goes individual responsibility and accountability. Within school, pupils are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment. Mellis pupils are encouraged to explore these ideas within the curriculum, particularly in PSHE and Online Safety lessons, but also within the wider life of the School.
Mutual respect
The School runs the Take C.A.R.E. iniitiative, whereby recognition through House Points are given for examples of Courtesy, Attitude, Respect and Empathy amongst its pupils. This ties in with the School's Christian vision of treating others as we would wish to be treated ourselves.
Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
The school's curriculum is geared to engender a well rounded education of different ideas and ways of life The RE and PSHE curricula provide opportunities for pupils to develop an understanding of different ideas, beliefs and cultures, but that we are all subject to the common law of Great Britain.