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The Mellis School Parents' Association.


The role of the M.S.P.A.

Mellis school is extremely fortunate to have a longstanding and extremely active parents' association.

The M.S.P.A. gets involved in all aspects of school life, from organising the School Fete and numerous other annual events, fund raising (annual Fetes, Dinner Dances and Fireworks NIght to name a few!)  to sorting out refreshments and ice cream for sports day! Their efforts are critical to the successs of the school, and have provided the skills and funding for some notable projects, including land acquisitions, computer and art equipment, play equipment and additional learning spaces such as our music room and outdoor learning 'bandstand'!

Able to help?

The M.S.P.A. is always looking for new people and new ideas! If you would like to help, either by joining the committee or by volunteering for an event, please contact the school. Your input can really make a huge difference to what we are able to offer as a school.

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