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The Mellis School Day

Analog Clock Sketch in Black Surface

Time and Tide Wait for No Man . . .

School Day reflects requirement for 32 1/2 hour week from Sept 2023

Years 1-6

Morning Drop-Off

8.40am -8.50 am throught main gate. Children are expected to be in class by 8.50 latest.

Afternoon Collection

3.20 onward - Parents to collect from main playground when children are released from classrooms.


Please enter the School from the Small Gate onto the Playground and congregate at the field side of the Reception outdoor area for collection.

8.40 - 8.50am drop-off - 3.20pm collection

The 'Normal' School Day Times!

8:40 - Children admitted into playground

8.50 - Registration and commencement of teaching and learning

10: 10 - 10: 30 - Assembly

10: 30 - 10.50 - First Break

12.00-1.00 - Lunch

2.00 - 2.15 - KS1 and Lower KS2 afternoon break

3.20 - End of school day.

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